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Report Graphs
I just ran my first moisture test as a trial run in my garage slab. After reading the manuals it was great, so easy. I took readings at 10 minutes, then 24 hours, and have taken a daily reading for past 3 days and will continue for a while to take readings. The reading have fluctuated and I am trying to create a graph to see how it shows up on a PDF report for future clients. The problem is that when I upload the date to the graph is only showing the most recent reading not all the previous readings on the graph. All readings do show under the Job Name but just do not show on the graph together.
Can anyone suggest a solution .. thank you Eric Brungardt
Instead of exporting the info to a PDF, export to XLS or CSV. Once this is done, you will have all of the info and can create what ever kind of chart you would like.
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